Grandmaster Javed Khan
Creator and Developer of KPCT - Khan Do Kwan Police Control Tactics

A life long martial artist, Grandmaster Javed Khan is a 9th Degree Black belt in 2 different systems of Taekwondo, Creator and founder of Khan Do Kwan (a modern realistic fighting system). A Pioneer of Taekwondo in India, Grandmaster Javed Khan also introduced Kickboxing to India in the early 80's. He is also known as the "Father of Indian Kickboxing."
Along with being the President of the International Progressive Taekwondo Federation; a 2 time world record holder in breaking; International Taekwondo and Kickboxing Champion, he also created WARDA Women Against Rape & Domestic Abuse, a counter-assault program designed for women to protect themselves, where he has single handedly trained over 20,000 women world-wide.
Grandmaster Javed Khan has trained National, International and world champions, taught and promoted hundreds of black belts world-wide. He has also trained several Bollywood actors and celebrities; Police officers in several countries, along with military and special forces personnel.
Grandmaster Javed Khan has also starred in several Bollywood films in the leading role. He is an Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board Training provider. Currently Grandmaster Javed Khan serves as a Lieutenant with the Marion County Sheriff's Office in Marion County, Indiana, USA.
In March 2002, Grandmaster Javed Khan was awarded the Presidential Sports Award for Taekwondo.
In 2021 Grandmaster Javed Khan was included in the Hall of Fame of the World's Greatest Martial Artists. He was Featured in the books 33rd Edition.
In 2022, Grandmaster Javed Khan was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by President Joseph Biden. The award was presented by Joseph Hogsett, the Mayor of Indianapolis.
September 04. 2022 was declared Javed Khan Day in the state of Indiana. The Proclamation was issued by Indiana State Rep Mitchell Gore.
On March 11, 2023, the Indianapolis Muslim Community and the Center for Interfaith Integration awarded Grandmaster Javed Khan an award for outstanding public service.